The History of a Hypocrite's
In Honor of The Late Kevin Thomas Welch This is about Hypocrites who used him . In epistemology (theory of knowledge), a self-evident proposition is one that is known to be true by understanding its meaning without proof.
Perfect Science the formula Bridget laughts at
Ireland Perfect Science
from: Ark Permaculture Project>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Irish testing - moving ahead
Dear Mike,
Your account of what happened at the conference is plausible. Billy Moores e-mail is xxx I think! T
They are closed now so I can't ring. Anyway he only sometimes reads them. Or you could ring him at xxxx.
His secretary is Bernie Mc Mahon. Ask for her first when you get through to the Council.
Maeve Quinns is sick at the moment so Patricia Mallon is dealing with analysis her e-mail is xxx.
I cannot afford to get involved in bringing this through the process you propose.
I am afraid the effort of organizing the conference left me rather in debt which I have only recently sorted out. I am very busy with my own business these days. If you want to hire me at this end it would be at my typical rate. As I said before Jack O Sullivan would be a good man > for the job. I
would be interested and anxious to see you proceed with a proper test. That was the original intention however poorly events transpired. What contract were you congratulating me on?! Marcus
MICKLEY & ASSOCIATES 752 Gapter Road · Boulder, Colorado 80303
Consulting Chemical & Processing Engineers
FR: Mike Mickley
Copies to Nancy, Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk
Perfect Science
DA: February 21, 2000
SUBJECT: Draft Plan for Irish test - version 2.1
With focus changing from the lake to a smaller site of the landfill leachate pond, the plan
becomes much simpler, as does the level of effort. More specifically, relative to version 1.0,
this version reflects
1. Less equipment need
2. Less chemical need
3. Simpler application (smaller volume; less time needed; easier access to pond)
4. Simpler characterization of the material to be treated
5. Simpler logistics to treat the pond
6. Less cost
The new element introduced is that we will need to sample the pond and get the sample to
Mr. Doyuk for development of the treatment chemical.
Two general areas of effort
Legal and funding effort (handled by Dan O’Connell)
· To set up an agreement between the Irish government (County/EPA/?) and
Perfect Science that 1) would address the liability issues and 2) would address responsibility
for all project costs.
· Under the liability issue agreement, a waiver would be granted to Perfect Science or the
government would cover the required insurance costs.
· Under the cost agreement Perfect Science would provide treatment chemical only.
· These agreements would need to be in place prior to final treatment of the pond
(STEP 7 below)
Technical effort (handled by Mike Mickley)
· To develop and implement all technical plans required for sampling, characterizing, and
treating the pond.
· STEP 1 is to characterize the leachate pond dimensions, volume and depth; presence of
sediment, etc.; also the treatment logistics.
· STEP 2 is to sample the leachate pond and send/take sample to Istanbul or Perfect Science in the USA for development
of the appropriate treatment chemical [likely involve Jack O’Sullivan here]; do the sampling
according to an agreed-upon sampling and testing regimen that involves multiple labs for analytical
work and specified sampling and analytical protocols. This might take a trip to Ireland to assist and
to pick up the sample.
· STEP 3 is to conduct a bench-scale test in Ireland (This will require a trip to Ireland)
· STEP 4 is to design any equipment that might be needed to treat the leachate pond.
· STEP 5 is to develop estimates of total project costs
· STEP 6 is to fabricate any required equipment and test it prior to leachate pond treatment.
· STEP 7 is to treat the leachate pond (This, of course, will require a trip to Ireland)
Other comments
- The above tasks and others such as manufacturing and shipping the treatment chemicals will
require several months of elapsed time. Pond treatment is best scheduled for Spring/Summer.
Actual timing will be dependent on the scheduling and accomplishment of prior tasks. - The successful repeated bench-scale test should relieve and placate local people and authorities
and reduce, significantly, the level of responsibility and concern carried by Marcus. - Pond treatment time is estimated to be one day.
- William Baumgartner will provide the final design of any equipment required.
- Any equipment needed will be fabricated in Ireland, if possible.
- Where possible we will use local people and companies for conducting the work.
- Treatment will be done from two boats. The lead boat will contain treatment chemical, pump,
and distribution piping for injecting the chemical into the pond. A second boat will contain a
second treatment chemical and spray equipment for spraying the lake surface with a
pH-balancing chemical. The two boats will systematically cover the entire lake.
- Travel and expenses to/in/from Ireland
- Treatment chemical cost
- Coordination costs [Jack O’Sullivan – shouldn’t be much; likely some of his time would
be volunteered] - Sampling and analysis costs [likely EPA will pay for their tests, we would want parallel
tests to be conducted] - Equipment costs [should be low]
MICKLEY & ASSOCIATES 752 Gapter Road · Boulder, Colorado 80303
Consulting Chemical & Processing Engineers
Subject: | Irish testing - moving ahead |
Date: | Fri, 22 Sep 2000 14:30:08 -0600 |
Dear Marcus,
I believe my last communication to you was dated February 21, 2000. It was entitled
‘draft plan for Irish test – version 2.1’. I won’t repeat the content but have included that
memo as an attachment to this email. As a necessary step preliminary to moving on the
action steps outlined in that memo we want to clean up the issues surrounding the
‘test results’. Below I review the history surrounding the ‘test results’ and then the
proposed means of settling the test issues.
Review of Test conditions and Test Results
To review the situation - as I recall:
1. Lake water was initially sampled and put into containers that were not clean.
None of us noticed this. However, after the lake water was put into the
holding tank several of us noted a strong gasoline-type odor, a bit of a sheen
on the surface, and a yellow-brown color in the tank water.
2. We agreed that the sample was contaminated and it appeared that this was
due to the use of unclean sample containers.
3. The tank water was poured out and the tank was cleaned.
4. I recall searching for soap and for towels that whoever cleaned the tank
eventually used. The tank was not ‘thoroughly rinsed’ nor exhaustively
cleaned as time and materials did not allow AND the need for this was not
5. New water was brought in and put into the ‘clean’ tank. This new sample
was much different and appeared to be much cleaner that the initial sample
and without the strong gasoline-type odor.
6. Eventually the tank sample was treated and as is characteristic of this treatment,
suspended solids and color settled to the tank bottom as a whitish floc material
leaving the supernatant liquid very clear.
7. A small fish was placed in the tank and it was seen to swim and eat.
8. I’m not sure when I became aware that samples of the water before and
after treatment had been taken for lab analysis. It may have been when
you called people together to review the results.
9. You showed me a piece of paper (I do not have a copy) that had
before and after results for 5 to 10 measured parameters of the water.
10. One of the parameters was phosphorous and according to the results the
final (after) level was something like 10 times the initial level
Some comments on the tests (most of which were made in Ireland also):
· If we had known that tests were going to be run we would have taken several
appropriate measures that include:
o Making sure all containers and tanks were clean and could not contaminate
the solutions.
o Making sure the lake sample taken was representative of the lake
o Being present during the sampling of the treated tank contents
o Keeping retention samples that could be analyzed later in case test
results were questionable
o Making sure that the parameters to be measured were meaningful
ones and reflective of the treatment effects.
o Making sure that more than one lab were doing the analyses
· The Perfect Science formulas for water treatment do not contain phosphorus.
· The most likely possibilities for explaining the test results are:
o The tank was contaminated with phosphate-containing detergent
used to clean it after the initial fiasco
o The before and after samples were mislabeled and the true after sample
was the one with the lower phosphorus level
o The treated sample was purposely altered
· I tend to believe that the first explanation is the correct one although consider the following:
· Lets say the tank volume was 20 liters. Lets say the volume of treatment chemical used
was about 20 milliliter (1,000 times less than the tank volume). For the tank phosphorus
level after treatment to be 10 times higher than before the treatment, the treatment formula
would have to have a phosphorus concentration 10,000 times higher than that in the untreated
water. [Note that if 50 ml of treatment formula were used, the concentration would need
to be 2,000 times higher] I will find out the typical level of phosphorus in phosphate
detergents – it may well be that phosphate-containing detergent will not be a plausible
explanation in which case we are left with the other two possible explanations.
To settle the matter, lets repeat the test – this time under controlled conditions and with your
EPA involved. We will need to work out the details but they will involve:
· Obtaining a copy of the previous ‘test results’ and doing some further investigation
into what the likely explanation of the results was
· Taking multiple and representative samples according to a chain-of-custody procedure
· Treating the samples with our formula
· Having accredited labs in both Ireland and elsewhere to do analyses of the samples
· Comparing our results
· Working with your EPA to address the real environmental problems that exist
We will be copying various labs that we intend to work with and when we all agree on if and
how to move forward, we will inform you of the lab identities.
I look forward to hearing from you and if we are all in agreement, I will propose more specific
steps for moving ahead in the next several weeks.
Regards, Mike
PS1: Could you please provide email addresses for Billy Moore and for Maeve Quinn?
PS2: Congratulations on you new contract
President John F. Kennedy
Address to Newspaper Publishers
April 27, 1961
Bridget Storrs of John Marshall used Dan to take creite for all my work import /export ==== working with Ayhan Doyuk , Austiran Cuntess countess , Mason father , Stella Zambrano and other and her boyfriend Dan , and neighbor who is all so at John Marshall
> From: "abehrns" <>
> To: <
; Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 11:27 AM
> Subject: SV:
; Dear JoAnn
; I was very happy to hear from you too. Odds e-mail adress is:
> This adress is working. We are in contact very often.
> Tell Terry to send an e-mail to Dieter Pies
> to tell him her wishes. If she prefers to make a phone
> call than she can call
> Germany (0)9236/ 9584 and ask for Mr. Pies.
> It would be the best to do it that way. Then Pies could hear it directly
> from Terry who is in charge to decide
> such things. Now in the moment it is just my word against Peters. Peter told
> Pies that Terry had nothing to say, it is Ayhans decision that counts.
> Peter Rohsmann has told Pies that he had spent a lot of money to open the
> american marked, to show and teach
> Prognos to your people , and he claims that it therefore is his morally
> right to continue his work, and that I should stay out of this.
> The truth is that nobody has got or will get exclusivity rights to sell
> Prognos in Amerika. That would be madness to hand a whole continent over to
> just one
> person. Each customer must have the personal right to choose the person they
> like to work together with. It can never be a good team work if people
> can't stand each other, don't like each other, if they don't trust each
> other. Things like that are condemned to fail. It will never work out the
> way he wants it to be.
> He doesn't understand this, I think the only thing he can see before his
> mind is money, greediness and male power. He wants it all by himself . He
> is now scared to death
> that I maybe will get a chance to sell some Prognos in areas the claims to
> be his. We have got a whole world out there who needs support. There must be
> enough of space for a lot
> of different people doing the same kind of work, but he wants to have it all
> by himself. Crazy, if you ask me.
> I can see clearly the game he wants to play and I will not join it. I'm
> sure he is very mad about me at this time, he thought I was a woman which
> was easy to handle for "a man of the world " like him.
> There are a lot of women out there who believe they need a man to do the
> thinking for them. I don't belong among those. Maybe this was a new
> experience for him. He got mad because I didn't want to hear his story. I
> dont even know him, and I think it was a stupid thing to call me telling
> lies and try to influence me in his favour, how stupid can man be. He must
> be on a very low level.
> Thanks for your blending recipe. It seemed my brain was empty, I was not
> able to remember it when I returned home on sunday.
> I just got e-mail from Aliaska too. Thanks for that. I will get in contact
> with her immediately.
> all my love
> have a nice day
> Freedom
> Anita
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 4:40 AM
> Subject: Re:
>> Anita,
>> So glad to hear from you.I don't know at this time what our next trip will
> be.
>> Terry has been at a workshop and that is why you haven't been able to
> speak
>> with her.I should be talking with her tomorrow and will give her your
> message.
>> I gave your name to Aliaska a lady from Hawaii that will get in touch with
>> you regarding the Prognos.I have been conversing with her for months and
> she
>> would like to be doing more with the formulas and is looking into having a
>> testing machine on Maui, Hawaii.She also loves animals and will be doing
> work
>> with the animal formulas.
>> For the blend for the small animal formulas:
>> For a small animal under 30# take 30ml pour into a container and
> blend1920ml
>> of spring water.They should drink approx. 2 bowls per day.
>> Over 30 # take 60 ml pour into a container and blend 1920ml. of spring
> water.
>> If the animal is very sick you can take from the concentrate( which is
> what I
>> gave you) and give them a full strength amount. Take some into a syringe
> and
>> put into their mouth and then offer a bowl of spring water so they can
> take
>> what they want. You can repeat as needed until you feel a change as been
>> seen. After that point you can blend as usual.
>> The aloe gel that I gave to you can be tried as a rub on a horses leg or
> if
>> needed for treatment on any person or animal for sore joints or muscles.
>> I do like the response you gave to Peter( direct and to the point). This
>> certainly sounds like feminine balance.
>> Could you send to me Odd's Email address; I must be making a mistake with
> the
>> one I have because it returns.
>> Love to you, will let you know about conversation with Terry.
>> JoAnn
The host carry what Prince Baby
Ayhan Do yuk Kuwait intelligence check a long time ago on your so called stolen money ====== no way and all so with Barbara that was long ago they know and heard my phone from Abdul when Kevin was murdered
My record Terry Welch AL_Shhri perfectscience see Douglas Ellas in Paris passport American Embassey
jail then release over KD's my partners Heydar Haba , Loulwa AL-Aqah Kuwait , Jeanna Hydar sister , 1991 fall see my passport maybe changed but see Homeland or other countries like SA , Europe and drivers Florida , Illinois
and all so Terry Shily Illinois in 1980's
JamJoom VP Nacum C
tel-phone call tel-phone booth Glen wood show that why they are building there now
( FIT Bevard Community College ) Micheal wife from Iran
KD see fax and not the man Shake Jamjoom Commerce and Industry
with that money I brought ABC Net works see bank
box's 20001 that was robbed and all so these our my partners
Mr Haydar Haba ( who does not know they drugged him ) his sister they watching in Michigan and her husband )
Nancy Francis Welch ,
Gerald Welch ,
Theresa Greboski
Randall Miller Oak Hurst , New Jersey ,
They US gov from check on Sept 11, 2001 all so from KD 1990 FIT see all so 1987
Jenna , the late MaryAnne Chapla Kuwait ticket only
Mrs Loulwa Al Aqah and Mohammed Al _Aqah Kuwait they watching since brake in of the
tombs see US Air Force One trips with Demi More
Scot Russell ( Gulf War ) see phone records time of Kevin jail in Az and conference call to Scott Russell and DEA San Diego , Calf ( Haydar , Jeanna know him
Scott before Amertec
phone 1990 -two phones Kevin got
Lawyers and who rep in mental home and court case
Virgina Olive North brother called my house bullet proof vest ( Terry Welch Al -Shhri in 1990 Point Blank brother Carlos bullet proof vest Turkey company , James Manfield wants to stop us in our house see Aurelio Piazza Homewood , Illinois with , Terry Welch AL_Shheri Nancy and Gerald Welch
Dan O'Connell 1-815-723-2909 see case in Kanakee Illinois ( with Jimmy ) see Bridget Storrs back yard film Kurt , Mary , Nancy , Kathy standing , John and Me Terry Welch AL_Shhri
( Storrs being used by Skull and Bones to cover their track remote viewing )
Kuwait troupes
So because you need a perfect blood line to claim your fake holy grail or your connection to Christ
or Magda-la a town not a person that now you must host a child and Paris Hilton family or corp get the Conrad because then you can make the movie and wash money for Liz Taylor makes more money died .
And of course Zsa ( Istanbul , Londra , and Petra ) and the book see tapes before 09-2001 Cocoa Beach weekend vortex TV the 13 ap
- Screen Directors Playhouse (1956)
- Ford Star Jubilee "You're the Top" (1956)
- The George Sanders Mystery Theater (1957)
- What's My Line? 09/15/1957 (Episode # 380) (Season 9, Ep 3) Mystery Guest
- Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea "The Traitor" (1965)
- The Rogues (1965)
- The Man From U.N.C.L.E. "The Gazebo in the Maze Affair" and "The Yukon Affair" (1965)
- Daniel Boone (1966)
- Batman "Mr. Freeze" (1966)
- Mission: Impossible: The Merchant (1971)
- Conversation Piece, at the 44th Street Theater, 1934
You dont know Harry Orr you want to steal my life fat chance
ttp://www |
| 2:30 PM (3 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() | ||
| 6:19 PM (9 minutes ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||

I am now in the USA and these British and Europe trash MountaBatten and these so called Skull and Bones memeber theif's , Banking fake as seen on TV with 20 /20 think that they can harass my daughter because she Turkish and me
( ! ) Because I am Bio-Polar
( 2) Irish
( 3) Named AL_Shheri
( 4 ) Have Red Hair
( 5 ) Inventor of Perfect Science AD
( 6 ) Because we live in the South Side of Chicago
and more
( 7) Why where I live would British Jewerly want to live this is hate crime set up going on in Glenwood , Illinois
Prevention From Harassment Act 1997, which under s.2.2 may result in a criminal conviction and up to 6 months imprisonment and/or a class 5 fine. Any further repeat by such people to do the same will only result in us publishing such behaviour and reporting them to the appropriate authorities.
We apologise to our many readers (30 million in 2008 & 38 million so far in 2009), but we will not allow ou
Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 5:39 AM
To whom it may concern ,
I don't know what games Eric Ekvall ,Micheal Rowen , Micheal Moreland
Yelm , James Manfield or my silly niece owned by Joe and Micheal , Flower of Life or Ayhan Doyuk , Charter
Trading are playing with my life but I Terry Welch AL_Shhri see Face's
and my old passport pictures plus other I send am the only one who
knew and worked with Harry Orr that a fact.
Ask Coreen Chystle see my picture s they may have paid her my sister
uncle and old people in CIA in Saudi Arabia have some games going on
with stock market Germany , bonds with Charter Trading Tom Sullivan
see Istanbul visa 1992 -William Comee
Tom Woodall , and later
and mine 1992 picture Istanbul
and All so they Mountbatten paid people for film of Face club with
info from Teri Mundo about my cloths to sell them Mundo Paul friends
Skull and Bones want to see designs which are my business
And all so see that I am the one who is with Harry at the back bar
with Bobby the bartender
and that a swore fact
Terry Welch AL_Sheri
Bridget Stoors is a Narc a tool for Eric Ekvall , Micheal Rowen , her uncle I am not supporter if Zion or murders of the children village she is not related to me or her mother they are not related to Harry Orr because I am not he was my friend in Face ask the real Terri Mundo who does not know him either this CIA games is over so is the OSS
and Skull and Bones Bush game this is my tech and I am not spiritual you are just trying to control it and take the created research to sell cheap like what these people do all the time this science is Croatia with me Terry Welch AL_Shhri and that is Inst of Physic real not fake occults
Why Kathy got talked in to playing like she was me Terry Welch Al_Shhri
| 8:23 AM (4 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Tue Jan 10 13:40:39 UTC 2012
Paul , Jasper Mount Batten , five law firm in UK who work for Paul X Box star James Torrence see should children be allowed to post on face book .
Paul sold a soft ware that collects all the medical info maybe can be used as all can for other reason like who knows collection of data by flying over the top of building .
Many films show how the great idea can be changed for control reason . Taking over Corp American in-tell flying over head using spiritual bull -shit as the reason .
The idea come from the tapes of my mother at park see picture of Nancy , Kevin and me ( before Anne birth at Long Shore Drive or but lisrening to her saying that the Japanese's in the 1970's were using listening device ( like John Trev movie sounds ( recording sound ) look like camera .
Tue Jan 10 13:40:39 UTC 2012
The CIA with uncle of my brother in law tried to go around Perfect Science AD real science Inst of Zagreb in Croatia , Doctor Mickley PHD ( see web site ) to collect from many real trust . With a fake women my sister and niece what a joke .
This is like the book of Space and Time . Torrence
Perfect Science AD has nothing to do with fake science , all -state , John Marshall or any one use agenda .
Paul , Jasper Mount Batten , five law firm in Uk who work for Paul X Box star James Torrence see should children be allowed to post on face book .
Paul sold a soft ware that collects all the medical info maybe can be used as all can for other reason like who knows collection of data buy flying over the top of building .
Many films show how the great idea can be changed for control reason .
PerfectScience | |
To: | |
| | To whom it may concern , I don't know what games Eric Ekvall ,Micheal Rowen , Micheal Moreland Yelm , James Manfield or my silly niece owned by Joe and Micheal , Flower of Life or Ayhan Doyuk , Charter Trading are playing with my life but I Terry Welch AL_Shhri see Face's and my old passport pictures plus other I send am the only one who knew and worked with Harry Orr that a fact. Ask Coreen Chrystel see my picture s they may have paid her my sister uncle and old people in CIA in Saudi Arabia have some games going on with stock market Germany , bonds with Charter Trading Tom Sullivan see Istanbul visa 1992 -William Comee , Tom Wood all , and later and mine 1992 picture Istanbul . All so they Mountbatten paid people for film of Face club with info from Teri M undo about my cloths to sell them M undo Paul friends Skull and Bones want to see designs which are my business And all so see that I am the one who is with Harry at the back bar with Bobby the bartender and that a swore fact Non-governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any government. The term originated from the United Nations (UN), and is normally used to refer to organizations that do not form part of the government and are not conventional for-profit business. In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, the NGO maintains its non-governmental status by excluding government representatives from membership in the organization. The term is usually applied only to organizations that pursue some wider social aim that has political aspects, but that are not overtly political organizations such as political parties. Unlike the term "intergovernmental organization", the term "non-governmental organization" has no generally agreed legal definition. In many jurisdictions, these types of organization are called "civil society organizations" or referred to by other names. The number of internationally operating NGOs is estimated at 40,000.[1] National numbers are even higher: Russia has 277,000 NGOs;[2] India is estimated to have around 3.3 million NGOs in year 2009, which is one NGO per less than 400 Indians, and many times the number of primary schools and primary health centres in India.[3][4] |
File Number: | 3124295 | Incorporation Date / Formation Date: | 11/12/1999 (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Entity Kind: | CORPORATION | Entity Type: | GENERAL |
Residency: | DOMESTIC | State: | DE |
Address: | 2711 CENTERVILLE ROAD SUITE 400 | ||
City: | WILMINGTON | County: | NEW CASTLE |
State: | DE | Postal Code: | 19808 |
Phone: | (302)636-5440 |
Tue Jan 10 13:40:39 UTC 2012
Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original | To whom it may concern , I don't know what games Eric Ekvall ,Micheal Rowen , Micheal Moreland Yelm , James Manfield or my silly niece owned by Joe and Micheal , Flower of Life or Ayhan Doyuk , Charter Trading are playing with my life but I Terry Welch AL_Shhri see Face's and my old passport pictures plus other I send am the only one who knew and worked with Harry Orr that a fact. Ask Coreen Chystle see my picture s they may have paid her my sister uncle and old people in CIA in Saudi Arabia have some games going on with stock market Germany , bonds with Charter Trading Tom Sullivan see Istanbul visa 1992 -William Comee Tom Woodall , and later and mine 1992 picture Istanbul and All so they Mountbatten paid people for film of Face club with info from Teri Mundo about my cloths to sell them Mundo Paul friends Skull and Bones want to see designs which are my business And all so see that I am the one who is with Harry at the back bar with Bobby the bartender and that a swore fact Terry Welch AL_Sheri 1-815-302-3941 Bridget Stoors is a Narc a tool for Eric Ekvall , Micheal Rowen , her uncle I am not supporter if Zion or murders of the children village she is not related to me or her mother they are not related to Harry Orr because I am not he was my friend in Face ask the real Terri Mundo who does not know him either this CIA games is over so is the OSS and Skull and Bones Bush game this is my tech and I am not spiritual you are just trying to control it and take the created research to sell cheap like what these people do all the time this science is Croatia with me Terry Welch AL_Shhri and that is Inst of Physic real not fake occults |
| 2:30 PM (3 hours ago) ![]() | ![]() | ||
| 6:19 PM (9 minutes ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||

I am now in the USA and these British and Europe trash MountaBatten and these so called Skull and Bones memeber theif's , Banking fake as seen on TV with 20 /20 think that they can harass my daughter because she Turkish and me
( ! ) Because I am Bio-Polar
( 2) Irish
( 3) Named AL_Shheri
( 4 ) Have Red Hair
( 5 ) Inventor of Perfect Science AD
( 6 ) Because we live in the South Side of Chicago
and more
( 7) Why where I live would British Jewerly want to live this is hate crime set up going on in Glenwood , Illinois
Prevention From Harassment Act 1997, which under s.2.2 may result in a criminal conviction and up to 6 months imprisonment and/or a class 5 fine. Any further repeat by such people to do the same will only result in us publishing such behaviour and reporting them to the appropriate authorities.
We apologise to our many readers (30 million in 2008 & 38 million so far in 2009), but we will not allow ou
The women who save Kevin the first time he shot himself Robin in Worth
That Eric Ekvall Micheal Rowen , and Brando Cripi
From the mountain ares of Poland , to children of the streets of New York to La . Drug them sell them with their agents .
Just because someone is on the dean list does not give them rights to spy on child , myself , Perfect Science Formula nor take money to use to talk to any one they believe is spiritual ( me Terry Welch ) who is not . To steal to force children because of an x box , because you don't want to pay child support or because the CIA Farm , the federal bank control all our money which every fuc---king body on this planet knows . We then should drink oil kill ducks , kill fish , kill planet sell children cut off people legs
because you have what rights to do what with me nothing . =\ For children nothing
I am just a researcher working on what I created .
No one and drugging a person like Chris Welch does not buy anything really does it .
Hollywood are whore' with agent who work for Royal's what now we go to war like in a Bible for oil
Who in Hollywood goes around with JZ knight ( who was created by the CIA Remote Viewer programer to sell children to do drug testing on children and other setting phoney bank system to wash money though for SAIC now an NGO like all of Hollywood who what drink oil in the gulf .
Remote Viewer or the former Robert Monroe Iran gate or Water Gate mistress of what leader .
So called spiritual people nor law students have no rights to watch me under any laws on earth .
What Bridget Storrs did in our house was all done to stop the formula 's Perfect Science AD , Ayterion Agua , Starzanna , our system from moving in the commerce area .
Friday, December 30, 2011
Legal Notice
That Eric Ekvall Micheal Rowen , and Brando Cripi
From the mountain ares of Poland , to children of the streets of New York to La . Drug them sell them with their agents .
Just because someone is on the dean list does not give them rights to spy on child , myself , Perfect Science Formula nor take money to use to talk to any one they believe is spiritual ( me Terry Welch ) who is not . To steal to force children because of an x box , because you don't want to pay child support or because the CIA Farm , the federal bank control all our money which every fuc---king body on this planet knows . We then should drink oil kill ducks , kill fish , kill planet sell children cut off people legs
because you have what rights to do what with me nothing . =\ For children nothing
I am just a researcher working on what I created .
No one and drugging a person like Chris Welch does not buy anything really does it .
Hollywood are whore' with agent who work for Royal's what now we go to war like in a Bible for oil
Who in Hollywood goes around with JZ knight ( who was created by the CIA Remote Viewer programer to sell children to do drug testing on children and other setting phoney bank system to wash money though for SAIC now an NGO like all of Hollywood who what drink oil in the gulf .
Remote Viewer or the former Robert Monroe Iran gate or Water Gate mistress of what leader .
So called spiritual people nor law students have no rights to watch me under any laws on earth .
William Storrs uncle in middle east working with Paul
They worked with Coke Terrence , Terri Mundo Terrence , Marcy Sylvester , Mike Crown Point, Beverly Glass in Chicago , Illinois who were hired by Paul in England , Lakeview , Illinois
This is the ego or no face these so called people have . No name Storrs
That was done maybe by her future employers where her uncle work at the farm or by Storrs , Rowen , Mount Batten ( Paul lawyer group in England and Lakview , Chicago , Illinois married to Delia Terronce < Marci Should Grow Up Be Allowed to Post on Face BOOK , M-I -5 , M-I 6 , Eric Ekvall, Micheal Rowen , Shelia , Stella Zambrano , Peter Jackson SAIC , group Drunvalo Spirt OF Ma'at .
The point is blocking the new science for control to claim they invented what they did not to take away from Turkey, from Terry Welch , Nancy Welch , Charles Knox , Andrew Nixon , Ralph Huntington ,Gerald T Welch , Randall Miller Oak Hurst , Silvia Tomic , Doctor Mickley PHD , Jim Trider , Lex Hahn ,
Anna Ranswer , Rodger Lawson , IGT , Douglas Leber AP , Dianne leber, and Drucker Labs ,
The Late Peter Brightmen , Charles Knox , Louise Knox , Pan-Thor . which was given permission by all parts of the USA and U.N. to work out side of the USA .
While only Turkey said do it here and we did .
It is against the law in the US to give them our formula 's which Andrew Pan Thor Team offered to them Reagan said great good luck . But Turkey said come save us .
Which is our new science from moving but paid by their higher
up they have just the energy from Zion and the
They were paid and worked with Ekvall and Storrs network to stop us like in 1999 , 2000 , 2001 , and 2002 until today .
Payment was done by loans to pay for her school by uncle in Mideast and Ekvall, Rowen and Zambrano Groups in
South America ( )
and Spain headquarter banks for this type of work .
To stop our income method, to claim Doyuk some kind of faith healer to match what they claimed in 1999 Wesak and science to stop Tech
They need to have Doyuk group small groups around the world they Eric Ekvall , Micheal Rowen and Brando set work
on the Remote Reviewer program in the 1980's which was sold at the time of the Iran Contra to Zion .
All so from moving forward this is in the case of Bridget , Bill , Kathy Storrs , Kathy all so to stop Kevin from taking it was good for him to clean his body our formula .
Which could been one of resulted in Kevin so called killing himself bi-polar disorder .
Bill Stoors in 1987 went to Russia to set up a base ball team for who then before the wall fell down he said once to us that his dentist said he mite done it for the CIA or the farm where his uncle works where Bridget feel that she can use my contacts not in your life will she ever do that .
By under minding him even to his EDS reports and blood reports showed that the formula it worked well for him .
In South Holland , Illinois Douglas Leber tested him which show that he needed to have the formula for wellness and cleaning .
That brother Kathy, Bridget and Wendy who knows nothing about the subject of wellness solution and detoxify the body .
Kevin was in a research program Full -Circle , Doctor Alderson , Doctor Alderson , Douglas Leber AP set up in 1999 which is on going .
Maybe Bill Storrs got money from Ekvall group,
from Bill uncle , Eric Ekvall , gambling , or info for the Farm who knows .
This In The Storrs case of Fox Lane of Palos Heights, Illinois .
Gambling and their uncle who work for the farm in Saudi .
This is not the case with Mary and John their is stress related and not getting help .
Mary needs help real help our whole life we been under great stress .
All of us in the house Chris , Mary , Nancy ( our mother ) , father , Kevin ,Mary been a victims of Kathy Storrs and her husband Bill before Mike was , and his wife , Michael this all so had to do with All-State .
Kathy like Bridget all so can decide who is married to who .
Chris , Mike , Gerry , her dad , her mother , John , and the late Kevin Thomas Welch Kathy can decide who does what to who . She was not this bad until she married Storrs maybe it is living in Palos Heights, Illinois .
Now in my case with their uncle Storrs in Saudi Arabia using our contacts in the middle east and now my daughter , her father and me for his handlers in the farm. Kathy , Bill , Bridget Storrs all so hired Eric Ekvall to play with our computer our dads , my daughters , Ted Anthony, his son all handicapped and mind to find my ( IP ) intellectual property right , proprietary formula .
Trades Marks for both Doyuk group , Drunvalo for future clean up on my ( our project the Golden Horn , Iski which we started and I work all the way approval standard in 1996 .
International Beef Ira Boggs who was cheated by Doyuk out of a lot of money Pan-Thor mandated not to Doyuk for use only funding to our groups which has not happen instead he tried to go around the science he does not understand he not the inventor .
Pan _Thor was the late Peter Bridgman , Randall Miller Oak Hurst , NJ , The late Maryanne Chapla of New York , New York , Andrew Nixon formly of Shanon , Ct Gerlad T Welch , Nancy Welch , A Doyuk Welch , Ralph Hunington , Charles Knox Sharon Ct , Jeff Miller , Joanne Spreitzer , Bill Spreitzer and Terry Anne Welch of Cocoa Beach , Florida and Glenwood , Illinois ,
But in Bridget Stoors case since it is the farm she wants to work for what she did to Kevin , my daughter , our formula , and me has there are no words to decide
The group that her uncle works for the ( farm) International Law maybe the Arab League use our contacts in Saudi .
All so the group she wants to belong to in college maybe bones group who knows but it is a fact that those groups are about who you know , what you know , how they can use you to get ahead . /wiki/Arab_League or the Farm of course both maybe even get paid by Erkvall Group who knows at this point .
Bridget Storrs wants to be in groups that helps her climb the fast track .
The way to do this is using any one contacts and do anything to get the goal anything to get it done .
In The Storrs ( ) of Palos Height and all the Storrs everywhere including John , of Palos Heights , Rikki , Bob and wife Sue , and all the Storrs everywhere related to CIA uncle .
Storrs family in my case using me for my Saudi Arabian contacts many I have many for his uncle in Saudi Arabia who all so has or want to be involved in the Arab League being or claiming to be related to Sir Ronald Storrs .
My contact royal who is all so involved in the original founding or the tribe name of the friends of my former husband .
He is married all so to someone who is very important today in Saudi Arabia .
Breaking into my child computer , com cast , going though records of seniors , children and hand i capped people to name a few .
All so get fake badge from old retired farm worker contacts of Kathy husband Bill uncle in Saudi .
Maybe even had All -State hire them who knows we keep you informed . ( 10- -2011 )
Ashley father a politician in Blue Island and grandfather was one all so is Tim Storrs girlfriend who has some kind of power to fix things for the uncle Storrs and William Storrs .
To take money from us by using us and all so they
( Kathy Storrs did stop Kevin from using the our formula with knowledge and that did help him to under mind his road to wellness the formula all of them in the Storrs family did , Torrance family , and Wendy home did .
To worked with the very people that harmed their parents and niece see
They all so maybe be paid by now to do harm to us by listening to us in our home or tel-phone .
They all so mite want to fame my child dad by using or pointing out that he is a dead beat dad .
My child does not know any of this nor of the dead beat dad site .
But they will do and say anything now these groups .
“The truth may hurt for a little while but a lie hurts forever.”
She not involved with this kids and was told to stay out of it by Nina .
To Coke sister husband lawyers five of them in England and their other clients maybe 52 clients who they are maybe spying on mine and Do yuk formula 's .
Even use our cousin in Ireland to work for their company to find out about our formula system in Europe and USA . By hiring our cousin in Kerry father to set up spy in the sky and computer which he is an expert at doing .
Even to spy on my family and my child father Ayhan and our formula 's system's even tho they different maybe using this problem with Storrs as a way to spy using spies in the sky .
To use one against the other that what this group has done . To use my child against mother illness against a child is a crime .
For Paul ( Coke and Terri brother in law creator of soft ware sold to a tel- communion company , ALL -State , Blue Cross , Northwester , to say and do anything include hire companies to tap the phone and more much more .
This soft ware collects medical info all in one place very fast . They want to sell to the hospital 's using All -State contacts and Blue Cross would just fit them perfect .
To think that all of u think I will take this type of spying in 2010 is a crime .
All _State , Blue Cross , Paul ( Terri Torrence husband Coke brother in law ) Northwester , and now cancer support groups .
All so their afraid of Doyuk power and what he do to them when he knows what they did to his children .
Blackmail to help them by under minding her mother me the writer of this blog .
To say to that I not ill , when it a medical fact that I am , to my child to make her believe that her mother not ill just drama .
Make little of another illness to point out to their children "well it your mother she not really ill " is a crime .
In Bridget case who stated this to me that all of u will see u in court . No I see u in court a legal one on many charges . Nov 2, 2011
A friend of Coke a police man said to my lawyer that Coke said that Terry is bi-polar so what does that mean that I have no rights or my children and depend on mean me for shelter ,means , support food and help .
When all I wanted was to keep a case open that wanted it dropped . I don't want the X Box case dropped no way .
All because they ( Coke ) took money from over sea's investor that I would count fact that what they doing to me and my daughter was all done from a dead beat dad .
Spying on people including bring Paul his lawyers five of them worrying about the sales to hospital their image .
Using spies in the sky now that the space center is selling the cape we have more of this think about this ladies and gentlemen .
No, my child father did not do this . You took your greed on placed all of this to take out on a old score of your lawyer father .
To get brownie points for your tank park in England .
Te major legal and ethical problems that arise in terms of the Internet and electronic media deal with intellectual property issues.
There are well developed laws that govern physical property. Physical property, also known as tangible property, is property that we can touch and feel. Intellectual property, on the other hand, deals with the ownership of ideas or the expression of ideas.
Since ideas cannot be touched or felt, but they do belong to the person who developed (or authored) them, they are known as intangible property.
There are several forms of legal protection available for intellectual property. These are:
- trade secret protection
- copyright protection
- trademark protection
- patents.
1.1 Trade Secret Protection: This method of protecting ownership of an idea is to ensure that the idea is kept a secret. An example is the formula used in preparing Coca Cola syrup. Very few employees know the formula, and those who do are required to sign nondisclosure agreements in order to have access to it. The formula is safe as long as no employee divulges the secret. The company could take them to court if they did so. Another example of a trade secret may be a company’s business plan or strategy.
Trade secrets can only exist if the basis for the idea can be kept a secret. This may not be possible in the world of computer technology and programming.
A hungry man is not a free man.
Adlai E. Stevenson
A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.
Adlai E. Stevenson
My condolences to all the family,I just came across this last night,I was saddened to read this,theres something wrong with society when he was in the hospital I spoke with the Dr.
I told him Kevin needed to stay there he was no doctor but a cold blooded heartless person when he could of gotten help they threw Kevin out into the streets after shotting himself even tho in fact he was still ill that a legal fact .
He even had insurance they just let him go with not enough med cine in him .
May Kevin Welch rest in peace,so sorry to all the family I often wandered how he was doing, I was shocked to read this may the peace of god be with the family and for all those who were wrong may god convict your hearts to your wrong doing in this.
Posted by: Robin KEY WEST, FL - friend Aug 17, 2010
The ones who did this were the ones who decided that a medical power of Attorney was about money when in fact there was no money only to changed records and help Kevin who could not help himself nor was Wendy , Kathleen , Mike Welch the Electrician, Bridget Storrs Wendy . Kurt , Kathy , Mary Eileen Welch Siska the know it all nurses , health care experts , All -State worker , Blue Cross , cancer support workers nor the know it all Kurt the male nurse Wendy husband willing to do so .
Micheal , Kathy, Wendy and Mary were sure that a power of attorney means to them that we can according to Mike ( who told me truth ) take advantage of Kevin that what stopped Kevin from his recovery Mike does not understand the differences or Mary
.Mike who brought Kevin into his house until we were gone and who cares even tho he did not like what Kevin did . Which I did not all so but that was his mission Kevin's .
Which I was and mother with in
Flea market all over and Kevin support me without question all way 's .
But would not take medicine .
e major legal and ethical problems that arise in terms of the Internet and electronic media deal with intellectual property issues.
There are well developed laws that govern physical property. Physical property, also known as tangible property, is property that we can touch and feel. Intellectual property, on the other hand, deals with the ownership of ideas or the expression of ideas.
Since ideas cannot be touched or felt, but they do belong to the person who developed (or authored) them, they are known as intangible property.
There are several forms of legal protection available for intellectual property. These are:
- trade secret protection
- copyright protection
- trademark protection
- patents.
1.1 Trade Secret Protection: This method of protecting ownership of an idea is to ensure that the idea is kept a secret.
An example is the formula used in preparing Coca Cola syrup. Very few employees know the formula, and those who do are required to sign nondisclosure agreements in order to have access to it.
The formula is safe as long as no employee divulges the secret. The company could take them to court if they did so.
Another example of a trade secret may be a company’s business plan or strategy.
Trade secrets can only exist if the basis for the idea can be kept a secret. This may not be possible in the world of computer technology and programming.
The very first thing Mary worried about from first hand knowledge is Kevin car to take it away from the women who saved his life .
This is the kind of person she is .
In fact Chris was calling all of Kevin friends John Craven of Oak Lawn and asking for money he claims for Kevin . John all so went out west with Kevin .
Mike got John and made a big deal going out with John to find out about Kevin after his death like it was someone fault the blame game .
His conscience !
John maybe thought it was all the drug people around Chris !
When Kevin called that night I told to Dale call the police now .
I hung up and ran to to get Chris who was drunk and I was told it was fake.
But my dad ran out in the middle of the night not Chris, Mike the law expert , Mary , Micheal , Kurt , John Si ska , Bill Storrs , Bridget the know it all All State Doctor , Kathy the All -State doctor , Wendy the trouble maker , no the man you said along with me who did not need a power of attorney for records . That who run out took care of him none of them the know it alls .
He cut his throat .
He is died by their mouth , greed , Lie's and that a fact . By the fact that we could get a power of attorney to keep him in the hospital
This is the wish that Mary and Kathy have for me all so that I cut my throat but I won't I see you in court and jail for his murder that a fact .
Money issue question to Mike and Chris what money were you worried about
But John ( who is all so friends of Mike 's ) called me I said not to give Chris any money he was and has problems and has no right to take money for Kevin who could not stand him and called him Krack head Chris .
He wanted Chris to get help clean up which Chris does not do just steals from him Kevin and everyone else he knows . Get medical help Chris !
Use the medical records from down town to show to SSI and public Aid .
Help mean getting them medical help , SSI , Food stamps , school , cloths not to leave it up to their senior parents to do .
Not take LSD , mary jane weed, drink beat children up , lie , steal , sell your friends girlfriend Steve or have Steve sell her like Dale who was with Kevin when he died that robbed us in our home ( that Chris help her do ) the one leg lady .
Chris police record in Glenwood he went to Cook Co.
Today Chris paid buy his sisters to take down my blog all so have other issue their jobs All -State -Blue Crosss -Cancer Support and Kevin
who died by their un willings to help any one in the family with bi-polar disorder .
Chris 2009 ( the date no sure ) all ready in jail for breaking into Anthony house two doors down with James Duffy and others who just got back from Ireland .
James Duffy who cheated our dad out of money owned him moved his cloths and things into our house illegally then went to Ireland came back and Chris brought him into his parents home without their knowledge .
James Duffy who then goes to the house that Kevin used to own now he does not because he is died. Mo power of Attorney.
James Duffy moved his trailer near the window then broke in by braking it and stole things from there .
The police report was made a few weeks ago .
James Duffy all so moved himself illegally to Anthony house in the Chicago Heights.
Where Chris and he were attested for breaking in .
He was living in a basement in a church in Ford Heights he does work as a caddy in Florida and the North Side of Chicago . He be living soon for Florida . He does not want to pay rent to any one .
For years took advantages of Anthony's our neighbors who is all senior parent living off them for years for free .
Like Chris but Chris does help when forced cut lawn and other things many but the drugs , drinking his friend have all way 's been an issue since high school the party never ended for him .
He loves dumper driving but the place he used to go is closing so the issue must be now food . He will beat for arm over food junk food big issues here with food like big Ted .
But he has a heart not like Kathy , Wendy and their children .
Mike has heart just misinformed but has a way of only hearing what he wants to fit into his vision .
Who I am I the one who helps your dad and mother I am one who all way did help .
I am all so the one who help your grandparents where were u ?
Not there
That who I am !
Where the hell were all of you for your mother not me your mother she was their for you !
Too bad too late but I not going to be your fake excuse get over your self lie to your self some more .
Nor am I going to allow you to place me in your box nor my daughter .
Who needs help Mike, Wendy , Mary and Kathy is your brother Chris Welch really you are jokes.
Who Kathy you help and Bill ruin his life to be a baby sitter one you did not pay .
Are they not just the perfect example of what is evil today .
Not helping their parents !
Working in the health field with sick people , handicapped , the elderly let in view their parents before having people like them in the field .
New Laws for health care worker today are needed to include to write records of what their parent and sister and brother have to say about people treat their parents .
The joke is six are in the health field today 10/2011 .
Really in the group four are Wendy 's boss is her sister in law and the mother of the girl who spreads rumor to hind what she did .
Not get rid of her boy friend who spread the rumor in the first place about what they did her boyfriend and her .
Kathy did help Kevin tho . On the phone , not taking him which she could of done .
By taking his money for insurance she did give her advice . Kevin problem money like a like a lot of bi-polar pt today a none fact .
That Kathy , Bridget ,Kurt , Mary , Chris , Bill even Wendy should know they are the expert's .
The other day my mother who is facing aging issue now going backwards thinking she a teen ager .
She does not think of Chris only of my dad who she was married to since she was 16 years . He went to Florida to get the things he left last summer 2011 .
My mother in her mid 70 's thinks that every one is after my father . What a funny story !
We have tried to get help from every hospital from Jacksonville, Florida to St James in Chicago Heights the night before Mike came to our house wanting to bring what Chris asking what we did to Chris or I want to get rid of Chris call and pushing them on my parents .
Kevin biggest problem was Chris everyone knows that who is honest .
Mike now wants to bring to our home for his mother to take this grown man drug, drinking, crime , thief , cards , gambles, eating disorder grown man that who Mike wants his parent to take care .
See police record Oct / 2011 the night before she was taken to St James . He does not care about this just like a fews before that in Harvey they don't ask afraid to give help or be asked too .
Bring his the source of our problem's a drug problem .
Mike who choice is to believe a drunk with a criminal record . Note not take care of his parent like dinner once in a while , a hotel someone for them no not a one of them .
Maybe his wife got all of his mother money in a power of attorney two house in the next state next to Florida .
Her stocks etc .
Mike wife went to work he stayed home to take of her or her money .
Now that bad to say well my father have the right to after all Mike and his fake concern along with his sisters said about his father and me after his brother the first time .
My brother Kevin had no money why even Chris and Mike asked John of Oak Lawn ( what he said to me on the phone ) a truck driver.
They asked him for money for Kevin who had none so why today are u acting on Chris info and why were any of you not worried about Kevin in any real sense of the word .
He had no money that why he killed himself . He went to all of you what did you do I tell you what you did you told if lie s about your dad .
Who took care of him you all wanted him out of your site . Their worthless children all so .
I never treated my grandparents the way this son of bitch 's have .
They are worthless nothing !
All so they ask many about selling share's in a club to save the land that Kevin was losing . But not with me !
Why I mite see what they were doing !
My parents nor I of course ( Bi -Polar talk angels are not invited to the drunks house in Palos Heights the high and mighty Storrs of Fox Lane .
But Bill uncle Saudi Arabia why he even used us our contacts right you bet he did .
This is at Christmas before they have their friend and other member of the group that ashamed of their parents .
The money lets see Chris stole $ 600 from Kevin , lost his truck in a Krack run every one in Glen wood and Home wood , Illinois Knows this .
All so selling Kevin ,Mike's dad , Ted Anthony tools for Krack and he sells them real cheap .
All so Chris stealing on record in 2002, 2003 his mother credit for drinks at the Trap Bar in the Chicago Heights , Illinois which mother told the card company .
Stealing the car cashing checks etc the list is endless .
This was more then once . This is the time he become stealing from his mother which she signed the paper from the credit card company .
All so Tra-i of Ind Merriville, Ind or Sherryvillie , Ind Chris girlfriend stole with Chris the beer kegs in the local area Homewood, Illinois when I came from Croatia the day I came home a group of
Home wood , Illinois police came into the house thinking I was Traci and tried to bring me to jail .
But it was a great I had my passport .
Then Chris and Tracy all so using my dad car plate Chris stole running though tolls 294 .
Did you forget this all of you know it all I guess so since you need him to change his story about breaking in the house and attacking my daughter and me about All -State only lower caused all of this .
Kevin had no money and we all so took care of him for years for free including all the time he was put to jails and putting up bonds .
Dad did not a one of you so called concern expert put out money this can be proven legally you all will not like this .
Bring us to court now yes dad and me .
. Kathy , Mary , Wendy , Mike , and their fake children tried what to help Kevin her mother , father what a joke .
Her husband made it hard for her tho his image the gambler what a joke.
Bill Storrs stayed at home while my sister worked he push her into this mess .
Why he was to good for my grandma chest or anything old just pressed wood .
Forget it now Kathy has it hers .
I fight Kathy on this point in fact make her give u the other part she not related to us any Welch any way she a fake Storrs .
Then walks away .
All State - Blue Cross ---
But how did Kathleen Storrs know about changing agents easy her husband Bill Storrs told her about my private info that was only All -State business .
They gave to him Bill what I asked them not to so I could get beat up , have my leg broke , my daughter medical needs under minded by Kathy , Bill Storrs All -State , Bridget , Wendy , Kurt , Bridget the law student who said all in the family said that I was not ill .
They now doctors . Wendy who under minds everything her whole life including what Kevin does , her mother does she does not visit her do anything except make every thing little or buy what other have .
Bill All State Downer Grove , Illinois makes Kathy Welch Storrs life a living hell .
So he pushed her hard about not calling All -State .
He called my dad all so not to make a report but he did not call me . Just my dad .
This must their policy not talk to sick people .
It would have been better to just have the baby with out marry a man who used her and controls her over the horse's and games he bets on .
Micheal, his wife ,Wendy , Kathy , Bridget , Kurt ,Mary , Billy , Bill and John think that Chris braking my legs , knee that all right!
Mike even thinks that it did not happen but my doctors and X ray's are wrong that Chris the drug problem who will not work but has a record of stealing did not do it .
Mike believes he can make trouble lie blame dad and me just walked away .
Take care of Chris he your problem not your senior parents concern not me a handicapped person with two types of lupus , limes disease , and bi-polar disorder so this is who Mike think we should take care of a drug attacked Chris
Who just broke my legs .
That i should en damager my child , my parents and my self .
Then he call my aunt and tell her that it is illegal to drink soap our formula which is again after he stuck with Chris he was drinking it and ask for free that his friend Mark wife have some and his father .
Do you see what type a person Mike is . Get the picture !
That who said so like people outside believe them because they have childhood agenda .
That what the joke is that he told his aunt that he does not know went there once last year and all so Wendy and Kurt went their the spring break before last .
That she knows them she really knows everything pride , child issue 's drama she know .
They need to get over them self really.
What is wrong is Mike is ask to help like Wendy , Kurt and Mary for a change . There turn !
Even tho Chris pleased guilty .
That harming my child that is all so all right .
Chris who pleaded guilty of braking my legs knees and of course with X-Ray why would he plead guilty , five witness including the police . But he still tell people he did not do it .
Do you understand this .
But Mike said to the 87 year old aunt on the phone who said Chris the man with long list of crime now attacking people .
Mike told his aunt of 87 years that I did not have a broken leg or knee's even tho the doctor said the hospital said so .
Today Mike showed up at the door asking why we ( dad and I ) I had with Chris to do to him what we did .
Right to do to Chris we have are as follows
( 1) Case number 1160000 4601
( 2) Respondent's DOB . 9-21-64
The court Finds that an Order of Protection was issued Jan 2, 2011
Order of Protection extended to Sept 12 , 2012 at 9 AM
Entered March 16 , 2011
sign seal Dorthy Brown
Clerk of Circuit Court
No Physician Abuse , Harassment , Interference with personal Liberty , Intimidation of a dependent , stalking
Chris will be in court on the 28 of Nov with stalking , and intimidation of a dependent he was attested all ready to case is coming soon .
Now OCT 2011 we thinking of Mike Welch who was told on the phone and in writing of third party harassment so was Mary , Wendy, Mike wife and K athy .
And Chris Welch pleaded guilty in the first case . Mike who believes now he is a lawyer , and a Doctor . Where is his papers his legal right to have a voice in my well fare or my child .
That pushing a minor though the wall while stoned , drunk is all so all right too .
That pushing his niece is all so all right .
The other minor he pushed was trying to get back from Chris, Steve who Chris lives with now and his stoned girl friend the camera they stole her birthday money and my daughter I -Pod .
So he not only push the minor though wall by forcing his head though it .
He broke all the glass and wrack the walls out which I had to pay for .
There was a party but nothing was damage on New Year Eve . But when Chris on New Year Day at 9 AM found out that he was not invited to Steve Reilly house he went crazy .
Chris was drunk , stoned and On LSD which he all ready in the summer went to a hospital down town Chicago , Illinois about .
Chris sisters Wendy , John , Mary , Kurt all thought that was funny that he was a transformer he heard my dead brother Kevin voice that they think this is a joke .
That where they live !
Chris think that I all so take my mothers money when I have money and pay the bills with legal proof for years .
And what true is the bank has a record of Chris and his friend Brain not to go in the bank .
And that they will call the police if he use his mother to steal from her for his krack , Coke , LSD and other vice he has .
Threating his father yelling he will kill him shouting at a child her friends and stealing from them is all so all right .
He was drunk from the money Wendy and Kurt the Male Nurse Northwestern gave to him so he could do this .
Wendy and Kurt asked my father to take down my blog their second coming Wendy , Kathy , and Bridget the green eye monster their daughter who does know how to be nice to her grandparents looked up her family tree and found out the truth about Kurt about Wendy and what they did to their parents to their bi-polar brother .
Their parents never hurt them helped them in fact .
My mother or me had to drive this wit-ch Wendy
( Home wood ) every day to school HF she all way missed the bus .
Plus put up with her yelling , and leaving home at 16 years to live with her husband now Kurt .
And stealing my cloths with her friends Janis B , Linda ( now a paralegal she even she got into trouble in eighth grade with Linda or Janis who lived across the street from Bloom about graduation from
Washington in the Heights I had to go to the dean office .
Now she the judge the perfect mother .
Kurt which Wendy dad said he wished he called the police about but Kurt forgets that Dad could of done but did not do .
She was only 16 years old when she left to live with Kurt she now a judge of what ?? Morals ??
Their mother Nancy to watch their dogs and clean up for them that what Wendy now all knowing all judging what not her right to judge her parents .
Wendy and Kathy a few years back brought their to dinner and they spit the bill a Chinese joint in Home wood , Illinois .
Where Wendy and Kathy talked .
Then Wendy came over and ask for our jar the one for make formula in .
What nerve this women has in the cancer support center .
Kurt and Wendy even borrowed their mother clippers for dogs never returned them cheap really cheap .
They even went to Theresa house the women who they Kathy, Bridget , Mary , and Wendy say her husband rape our darling sister they took from her the tool after he died .
She gave it to them so they would all so do their mothers garden which was not the case for Wendy of the cancer support group.
Think about the two faced bi-ch saying to everyone in the family that her husband raped a 12 year when this was all made up .
That they have face to go to his wife and take his tools .
Center Support RIGHT !
They wanted it down this blog ! Why ? Go to court with us the people who were helping Kevin the ones you told Kevin not to give a power of Attorney for medical records to see he could get medical help the first time he shot himself .
Now he dead and it is your lies , half truth and evilness is why he is dead he was in the week before he died Tinely Park , Illinois they could help stay longer with that Power Of Attorney to help the medicine get into his system longer .
In Chris case he is all so needs help he is in denial he hear voice 's takes drugs to get rid of them .
Went to Northwester hospital in the Summer of 2010 he went though a window .
This legally can be check .
Chris thinks he not ill . Chris needs medical help .
He is out of control . His family father , mother , and me will not be beaten he can not live here any more .
His dad has rights all so he informed all of his children Mike , Kathy Storrs , Mary , Wendy , and me .
He does not have to have him in his house end of story .
Mike get him to Cook Co for medical help .
Get him public Aid for medical help and food stamps he has a cook co ID now do it .
Buy him cloths put him in a program that Prairie State runs for free to help him get a job .
Teaching computer skills .
This is for free to help in today new world of looking for jobs.
Get him help !
They of course did not ask me no our dad !
One moment I am not sick that what they say to my daughter and other like Lupus is easy or bi-polar is nothing they know that what nerve
. But I do have this it is not nothing that anyone can just get over because Mary , Kathy , Bridget , Kurt , John , Wendy think that to make someone pain or make light of Lupus is a way to under mind my daughter .
This is a women who works at the center the supports helps cancer pt .
The Cancer Support in Home wood , Illinois .
What nerve they have the two faced the very people with Mary who think that telling a bi-polar pt like Kevin was that a medical power of attorney is a different type of power of attorney .
It nothing but the power to change his records or keep him safe from himself .
But while Kevin was in the hospital after he shot himself Mary , Wendy , Kurt and the others what they did to Kevin was play with his head using him against his father for his grain not Kevin 's he is dead now .
Mr Kevin had no money he was sick a long time why did they not help him get SSI , food stamps , insurance and help their dad get Kevin to help himself by allowing his dad to help him .
Then Wendy and Mary went to court in Sept of 2011 to show support to Chris Welch on these charges which were he was harming my daughter they support that .
They never helped Wendy or Kurt before but now to take down this blog they would show what support to show the court what great people they are or just for there fake image at work .
It hard to force a drug , drinking , eating , sleeping out of control person with big time anger issue to get help .
In paper the court they look like what they are hiding get help get over your issue with your dad . Wendy who has not been to her mother house in over ten years .
Mary in at least three years nor called to say happy birthday , nor mother day now helping Chris .
Kathy in year all so the big baby sitter drama queen no money judgment .
This blog is a real source of happiness for their father .
Get over it !
The court has copies of this blog their dad who is all so a author on this blog gave to the judge in the winter . This is why they went to court then it was worth it to see them help
Chris he calls all the crying for help but not doing anything about when he get out .
Like get Chris help a doctor not a drink and drugs ;
This was a court order order of protection for him to stay away from us .
This they support so they don't have have him live with them better to harm children , there parents .
This is the whole truth and nothing but the truth .
He needs to get medical help really that they should take the time out with their busy life and take him to Blue Island for food stamps his problems food .
This is a real issue with his dad eating all the time cooking all night .
Card parties with his drug friends stealing small things like that not bathing a lot washing hands .
This is the real issue here that how I got my leg broken .
I want people to shower and mind their own business this is a real issue with this group .
Minding their own business and stop giving out advice playing doctor .
Not working he is ill why don't Wendy , Mary , Kurt , John and Micheal so that get him cloths for work like six pants , under cloths , socks , shoe for work instead of drinking when you get out of jail he needs cloths for work .
Sign him up for S.S .I. take him to a real doctor stop using him to get their dad angry .
Wendy taking Chris to the hospital to play the game like he wanted to see his mother then in front of the people who work there get into a fight with his father that what Wendy did .
That was in Harvey, Illinois . This should be realty TV .
But that he can do all this while he is still ill they support that because it will hurt my daughter and me as long as they don't have to help him is part of the pattern now all so Micheal trying to make peace at our expense .
Micheal who was asked many times to stay out of our business that he would now try to make more trouble but saying things that he has no idea of no medical background really call a 85 year old women to say bad things about his father which are all lies .
The sister of his mother who is ill herself she all so told him that she knows everything about this subject what Chris did .
She all so knows everything about Terry since Terry lived with her with Lupus .
That she has personal knowledge of it all so now that her other nephew has Lupus all so .
And her great nephew has bi-polar , and many other issue . This is the aunt that was all so married to the man who never raped any one but this group Wendy , Mike , Mary , Bridget and Kathy lied about spreading false info about a man with cancer her husband a 12 year that is not true .
Mike thinks that it all right to spread again false info about his father which he has no idea again of anything he saying except from a drug attacked who does not work and want to live off of his older parents , hurt his niece and himself .
Mike who stated many times could not live with Chris is so scared to help him that he will call a 85 year aunt he barely spread lies about his father who she knows and knows Mike is be used or lies .
Mike who with Mary all so thought that a medical power of attorney was about money so he is all so guilty with the rest and involved in a big cover up .
Then he told me I told our father yes why not .
This is the real reason he doing everything he is doing what Mike does not know that from the beginning when Kevin shot himself his father knew what Mary and he did .
That Mike all way was a trouble maker that why now he living in southern Illinois . That all so Theresa his aunts know well .
Mike all so stated many time that he could not stand Kevin this now Mike is making a total joke of himself to cover that fact up when every one knows this he said that enough .
Why didn't Mike kept Kevin longer the answer his wife was scared but Mike had his wife mother living there in their house in her 80's who he took care she had all her money given to her daughter Mike wife .
Mike who thinks that his wife should now share the expense at home he is right of course . He works hard pay bills . She went back to school that makes he mad .
But he when they were married went back to school and all so took apart the house while they were living waited a long time to rebuilt it . Puts a lot of bull- sh-t on her and his son .
When my mother Nancy , Mike son Gerry , my daughter Micheal ( Mike wife ) went to Florida Mike call her every hour telling her what to do .
And all so not to drink our formula which is famous or give it to her mother but he drinks it and all so the Vit drink and pay his mother for it .
Mike loves to make trouble.
Micheal who being used today by many now calls his aunt and spread Eric Ekvall , Evelyn Levi lies , about the formula's being soap and Chris hair gels which was apread by Steve Torrence and others which is not the point what a great life this is transformation formula's yet no one understands the talk at Habitat nor the 1998 speech .
It is so funny I can barley stand it they so serious what year is this 2012 yr of our Lord . Mike is not guilty of anything except love and care for his father and mother .
Even if Chris is a lier it about drugs he can't help like everyone today being bi-polar but he is smarter then they are so is Mike .
So Mike the soap are saponins which are transformed and the Aloe which I add I don't know how many tons of formula 's which transformed and took pollution out of and change with the formula work into the same time created a smaller the very smallest molacue
So this blog will come down .
They even paid Chris Welch to work Wendy and Kurt did money to tile which Chris is a great tiler did a great job at Mary .
So you see Wendy our sister does have to have what Mary does . This is a fact . Car , dogs , tile , and more .
What is the name for this yes keeping up with the Jones .
Money so him can drink come over here to our house and then go to jail again .
But this time they went to court to stand for the drug man our brother Chris but was working for Wendy at the time he was put to jail the brother who attacks children and steal form his parents , brothers , sister his niece their friends .
Chris Welch who now is working on her image her home not her mother or father how I look .
There is all so a name for this !
Chris gotten his brother Kevin truck towed away .
Who stole his mothers, fathers , his niece , Kevin and from me as well for years . Ask anyone who knows Kevin really !
Chris the police arrested many time for this in Glenwood , Illinois and in Florida . All over really !
Chris who has no regard to anyone that we need this car for school no not him just go out for a K rack run to Ford Heights maybe with Tammy or his other pipe smoking friends .
All for the sake of his drug problem which is everyone today problem not facing it is the biggest issue .
His issue get help medical help now and work . The party is over .
Because Chris Welch did what they wanted him to do hurt my daughter , father and support him by not letting him get medical help which he needs or just harm us .
Remember Kathy , Wendy and Mary trying to bribe him by cutting the lawn now harming my daughter and this stated with Kurt green eye whore of a niece who did not want my daughter to tell Wendy ( The mouth or her uncle Kurt ) what every one at the school knew .
My daughter wouldn't do that tell she respected her mother and grandmother .
She all so is live and let live . But guilt fear took over Kurt niece and someone went to Wendy who went to Mary who went to my daughter .
With their know it way's I knew everyone on the street where my daughter boyfriend at the time knew .
They lived across the street from each other my daughter boyfriend who was the rumor that Kurt niece was spreading though my daughter family so of course Wendy went to dad who knew all ready .
So Kurt niece girl who younger boyfriend is the one who told everyone at school what she did to him
. Did she leave or face him that he did it ?
No she could look in a mirror !
But what low self image she has maybe because her aunts and uncle were such hypocrite .
But my daughter got the point across to us dad and I .
Plus I know all the kids at HF I take them home so I knew first hand what her boyfriend spread . I know him all so !
She used my daughter , her family then face her truth her younger boy friend for her image like her uncle , my sister maybe her mother .
Who knows plus my daughter is very good looking so pick on her .
Worry her family( this is the niece of Wendy and Kurt ) they know she has a handicapped mother a father who does not pay child support so pick on the ill, helpless to make your self feel better to hid what you are .
Not move on get rid of your jerk boyfriend it like my daughter Wendy daughter who as they got older she become what her mother is a green eyed bi-ch . Her mouth and sly way is the cause of many things that are what is evil gossip sly .
She not a teen yet great in sport 's mother pride but not much to look maybe a good sport women and money . Not even in high school yet .
But still a little copy of mother .
Must run in both side dad and mother side .
Kurt niece made a big deal about my daughter dating someone who smokes when her uncle smokes and now their son her cousin she knows this not just smoke but is more in the line of Kevin ( jail ) did .
That they would go to her my daughter not me what for reason because I sick .
But Bridget and now Mike say that I not ill .
So why go to my child to what under mind her turn her against who that there style .
No to try control but my daughter so she told my dad , and me .
They never image that she would .
She knows what all of them are she watched what they did first hand and said about grandpa , grandma , Chris, Kevin and me and she know why . To play mind games issue of their past childhood drama in their head .
She all so knows that they would try to do that to her all so . All of them !
Chris after they were all told in writing not to let him near us by our father .
They planed this can you image this realty TV bad one .
Chris is being twisted around by Kurt, the male nurse his sister Wendy who plots with Kathy and who knows who to hind all these facts . Chris by doing their floor tile .
Note Mike tho he is being used by Chris which is OK Chris knows Mike easy worked which green eyed child hood drama .
But Mike really mean to help Chris he not evil like Kathy , Mary and Wendy .
He just needs help with his control issue 's and anger issues . He wants to help but at the price of us and what they did is criminal not legal .
Easy for Chris to hind behind him .
Guilt is the state of being responsible for the commission of an offense.[1] It is also a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes—accurately or not—that he or she has violated a moral standard, and bears significant responsibility for that violation.[2] It is closely related to the concept of remorse.
'A capacity for guilt seems to define our sense of what it is to be human: on this psychoanalysis and the Judaeo-Christian religions agree...And anyone who invents an alternative story about all this will be taken to be trying to avoid guilt, to be immature, utopian or psychopathic'.[3]
Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2]) is a mental disorder characterized primarily by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, egocentricity, and deceptiveness. Psychopaths are highly prone to antisocial behavior and abusive treatment of others, and are very disproportionately responsible for violent crime. Though lacking empathy and emotional depth, they often manage to pass themselves off as average individuals by feigning emotions and lying about their pasts.
Until the 1980s, the term formally referred to a personality disorder characterized by the inability to form human attachment[3] and an abnormal lack of empathy, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal.
"Antisocial/Psychopathic Type", with the diagnostic criteria having a greater emphasis on character than on behavior.[5] The ICD-10 diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization also lacks psychopathy as a personality disorder.
The 1992 manual included dissocial (antisocial) personality disorder, which encompasses amoral, antisocial, asocial, psychopathic, and sociopathic personalities.[6]
Despite being currently unused in diagnostic manuals, psychopathy and related terms such as psychopath are still widely used by mental health professionals and laymen alike. In particular, NATO has funded a series of Advanced Study Institutes on psychopathy, both before and after the publication of DSM-III. Researcher Robert Hare has been a particular champion of the term; his Hare Psychopathy Checklist is the standard tool for differentiating between those with antisocial personality disorder and the subset who are psychopaths. According to this scale the prevalence of antisocial personality disorder is two to three times that of psychopathy.[7]
According to a chapter about treatment in Christopher J. Patrick's Handbook of Psychopathy, there is little evidence of a cure or any effective treatment for psychopathy;
No medications can instill empathy, and psychopaths who undergo traditional talk therapy might become more adept at manipulating others and more likely to commit crime.[8]
Others suggest that psychopaths may benefit as much as others from therapy, at least in terms of effect on behavior even if not on the central personality traits.[9]
According to Hare, the consensus among researchers in this area is that psychopathy stems from a specific neurological disorder which is present from birth,[10] although a 2008 review indicated multiple causes and variation between individuals.[11] Hare estimates that about one percent of the US population are psychopaths.[12]
Despite the similarity of the names, psychopaths are rarely psychotic.[9]
Mr Bill Storrs who sent his guard dogs to attack my daughter by hurting her mother by telling her that changing or lower her own insurance was wrong , that Bridget thinks that my daughter should not follow her mothers that her mother not ill .
Like anyone can just wish Lupus away . Really !
Today my daughter thinks that not taking any thing that she need and I needs is a good thing . Like medicine what rights do Bridget , Kathy , Kurt , Wendy have in saying this at all .
I believe in medical help my daughter refer to what Bridget said a lot . ( 9-2011 )
What Mary did was shut down the source of income for her mother the web site because getting money from the sales to her mother was to hard to do when it was needed it .
Instead yelling at everyone at the top of her lungs about nothing really nothing .
She was studying to become a nurse which she is one today . These are the hypocrites who judge other help no one .
Play games with handicapped people children lives and judge their parents .
Kathy ,Micheal , Mary , Kurt Wendy 's RN husband , Chris in his case is control by drink anything to get high at the moment so he will say or do anything for money .
Micheal , is the brother Mary , Wendy and Chris twist around all so by giving their truth or make believe advice to him to control him or just because they are so spiteful , so full of hate that they ruin his life all so because he helped dad .
But Chris lives in a fake world he needs help he is like our brothers and me . He needed their help !
Chris said all way protect the family why like they protected Kevin , my daughter , their mother and him .
You see he needs help really !
Kathy loved Kevin that a fact she did not know what Mary did nor understand Wendy who controls her my mother was all way right about that since they were children when Wendy would steal my cloths all so like Mary .
Bridget Storrs my daughter looked up too her the one who harmed her medically . But not now thank God for that fact !
In a way Wendy. Kathy and Mary controlled her all so .
By under minding or getting even for what being ill .
That mother only loves you !
Which is the lie they tell each other instead of going to the doctors about their yelling their uncontrolled green eye monster they control issue facing the truth get help .
I don't talk to any of them really for a very long time and don't want to they need to help their parents that the whole thing .
Again I will protect my child from these vipers !
Spoiled brat's who their father pay for there private school , hokey which cost a lot .
Made them work .
o Terry From Randall Miller the not forgotten man
Hello old friend,
I'm appalled that all of our genuine humanity and Earth saving work has gotten so misconstrued over the last few years!
I have read at length and reread ALL that you have forwarded to me with an ever increasingly heavy heart!
I am shocked and stunned that our real and honest purpose, that all of us worked so selflessly to create, test, promote and offer to the world, without making a dime, has become so ruthlessly abused for the sol gains of the abusers!!
The Perfect Science formulas,each with its own unique and different traits and components, were designed with very different missions in this world to solve very different crisis's that man is wreaking havoc on our beloved .
Our interest Kevin , Nancy Gerald and mine is in the following
Paul , Jasper MountBatten , five law firm in Uk who work for Paul X Box star James Torrence see should children be allowed to post on face book . Paul sold a soft ware that collects all the medical info maybe can be used as all can for other reason like who knows collection of data buy flying over the top of building . Many films show how the great idea can be changed for control reason .
Tue Jan 10 13:40:39 UTC 2012

This is a fiction site and a real site of what personally happened to the author who is handicapped their is no money here . Just a medical help to relate what happened and move on .
Momence news
A 47-year-old rural Momence man was shot in the
face Thursday, according to Kan kakee County
Sheriff's Police.
Kevin Welch was transported to Riverside Medical
Center in Kan kakee.
He was then transported to Loyola Medical Center in Maywood.
Deputies were called to a Momence Township home in the 100 block of South Ash at 2:37 a.m. Welch had arrived there in his truck after he called the resident on her cell phone.
Our System Our People Perfect Science Mexico
Kevin Thomas Welch Award

The Late Kevin Thomas Welch Sept 11
All-State what laws about private info do they give to their agent's
( The Farm )
Paul , Jasper MountBatten , five law firm in Uk who work for Paul X Box star James Torrence see should children be allowed to post on face book . Paul sold a soft ware that collects all the medical info maybe can be used as all can for other reason like who knows collection of data buy flying over the top of building . Many films show how the great idea can be changed for control reason .
Tue Jan 10 13:40:39 UTC 2012
or any one group on the planet today or all the way back to 1955 have rights including private groups secret groups remote viewer to trespass on my rights or my friend , my formula's , my people ,, who sell my formula's our research I am an N.G.O. with research protected by Croatia Inst of Physis and the science P.H.D. 's who work with us Perfect Science , Full Center BIO _Medical Sarsota , Florida , Jim Trider , Micheal Mickely PHD , Douglas Leber and Dianne , Fort Worth , Texas , Sue Mount Bob Bunn Perfect Waters LLS Lake land , Florida , Anita Norway , Anna Ramswer , Drucker Labs , and Roder Lawson in Switzerland . Silvia Tomic , and all the people who worked with Perfect Science who brought is there including the Croatian people who hosted us filmed us worked with our formula 's Perfect Science AD , Royal Kadin The Perfect Science Inc ., AD Perfect Science Inc, AD Perfect Inc ,, and Perfect Aqua Inc ,
Tort law is a branch of the law which covers civil wrongs, such as defamation and trespassing, among many other transgressions. Under tort law, if someone suffers a physical, legal, or economic harm, he or she may be entitled to bring suit. If the suit is deemed valid, damages may be awarded to the victim to compensate for his or her troubles. Most tort laws are found in regional, state, and national civil codes, which often spell out limits on damages and the statute of limitations for tort cases.
Many people divide tort law into three rough categories: negligent torts, intentional torts, and strict liability torts. Torts arising out negligence are civil wrongs caused by negligent behavior or a failure to practice due diligence. For example, if you are playing soccer in the street and you accidentally kick the ball through someone's living room window, this may be a negligence tort. Medical malpractice and other forms of professional negligence are also covered under the umbrella of negligence torts.
Intentional torts are torts which involve a deliberate attempt to harm. Defamation is often viewed as an intentional tort, as is battery, fraud, false imprisonment, and interference with the economic operations of a company. Strict liability torts cover product liability; if a potato peeler takes your finger off when you operate it as directed, the manufacturer could be liable, for example.
After 35 years I am now free to say just what the truth is .
After not saying a word in respect to our mother who Kurt, Wendy husband the male nurse , Bridget , Kathy , Bill , Wendy, John Siska and Mary have none for.
Bill Storrs who pushed his wife and daughter on my daughter and me for what $25 . 00 a month because All -State push him and All-State took away my private legal rights as a American , human ,
An NGO , my daughters right minor , my parents rights , my mothers , fathers , Ted Anothy, A Doyuk Welch , Stazanna , Terry Welch , Terry Anne Welch T Welch Inc , rights as an Creators , inventors , ( IP ) , ( PR ) , trade mark marks , Perfect Aqua Inc . Delaware , Royal Kadin The Perfect Science Inc , Delaware , AD Perfect Inc, Delware on Wed site of Perfect Science , manages by Vital Earth Solution Inc , Vital Earth Solutions Int , Contact Dan O'Connell Inc, 1-815-723-2909 fax 1-815-838 2001 ,
have also included the full consolidated text of the two health reform laws
(Public Law 111-148, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, and Public Law 111-152, the Health and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) and related government materials that summarize the law.
These serve as reference materials for the law itself, combined with other guidance and documentation released from public agencies.
By spying and us Perfect Science AD , Perfect Science of Illinois , Perfect Aqua ,
For Turkey or other who think they can market children sell them and for the fag son or the royal what fags or a military tank park to buy what children sell them kill them

These are the people
( Marcy ) who post a lie on a minor face book ( Chicago Heights , Illinois ) that cause a child to kill himself in Chicago Height to hang himself . On what was a small matter that was taken care by her parents and my self .
This all so caused harm to a lot of people including Ayhan Doyuk , Aydu Elix, Perfect Science AD the most because it was about us not a dead beat that now they befit from or try too .
My child , children in Homewood school , my parent s, my home , their children being helped by my teams , my partners , myself and my child father I was clear a long time ago of anything because of having a middle easten name which is so silly that by marry something 32 years ago because her ( Beverly Glass ) brother came to my house asking for an x box that was not in my home nor did I see it really in the middle of the night .
These people were long term friends 37 years which we never had a fight I watched their home, took care of there animals , clean their house while they were in Italy with out pay .
All so took all the pictures on this blog for free , set up web sites , blogs for free while waiting to get paid for our formula's , Joanne Spreitzer and Bill treatment on the Micro -Current for free waiting still for money .
I all so set with Joanne Micro Current research which they are using illegal today .
All of these things were done so the younger Terrence could cover the facts that Marci, Terri , and James said many bad harmful things about there aunt not being a Doctor then lazy .
Her husband Paul has the money to buy a degree . So they can go around Joanne and Bill Spreitzer who they own money too and my father .
This set a clinic in North of the stable that Joanne child own for horse in Morton Grove with a dancer Robin friend who they covering what Marci said about her . This school is helping poor children go to school and Delia is on the board .
Paul , Delia all so lived in England and work in the land down under but did not take her boards because of having a baby and Robin all went to UOI .
Where Paul father is a Professor .
This device and research was done by Perfect Science AD Terry Welch , Nancy Welch , Gerald T Welch , Joanne Spreitzer , Bill Spreitzer , Vitial Solutions Earth Solutions Int , since 1998 with Arlene Lennox ( see video you tube Femi lab ) and Sandy Funder .
Mr Bill Storrs ( who was told by All _State what I asked them not to tell . Privacy issue on All State part ,
Which they did tell Mr William Storrs which cause all of this to happen including bring in the English spying on Ayhan Aydu Water and Terry Welch Perfect Science AD .
All _State by telling Bill what he did not need to know . What was private this must be known to all don't think what you tell All _State is private it is not .
Even if they tell u they keep it private they did not do that .
What happened is All -State fault completely.
This is the very reason why I write this blog .
This so called man Mr Bill Storrs a coach , at Prairie State
pushed his guard dog my sister Kathy and there daughter Bridget the so called Law Student at John Mar shells in Chicago on us .
Now she transformed to University of Illinois maybe .
But now we learn no she on the Dean List so what kind of Dean is this .
Because All -State pushed him . But what his daughter did their is no word to explain here .
What right did All -State have to tell anything that they said All -State they would not tell anyone .
All I wanted was to change agent's which was my right .
After being at Christmas
hearing what Mary said about insurance and Bill and Kathy wanted them to get for their house sail boats or Mary Siska said forcing her to have their agency to carry their insurance.
Mary said she would she pay more money .
It not like Stoors do anything for any one not their parents for sure that the point here with all of us what bitch they are .
I know that it strange I was at Mary house after what they did which is the most two faced big deal the web site and the power of Attorney for Kevin Welch .
Examples of intentional torts are defamation, assault or battery, fraud, and interference with another party’s contractual or advantageous relationships. A negligence tort refers to those circumstances under which the law will hold one person, who has a duty of care to another, responsible for any harm his negligence may have caused the injured party.
Mary and John shutting down the web site yelling because we needed to move so my mother did not see Kevin after he shot himself . My children did not know that Mary did that or I would not have been there .
Examples of intentional torts are defamation, assault or battery, fraud, and interference with another party’s contractual or advantageous relationships. A negligence tort refers to those circumstances under which the law will hold one person, who has a duty of care to another, responsible for any harm his negligence may have caused the injured party.
We were there because Mary has John mother living with her . Wendy , Kurt , John and Mary they made a show at being human which they not just taking or stealing making fun of handicapped people judging other to make them self so high and mighty .
What Mary , Kurt and Wendy did was worst for everyone and I mean Kevin .
What laws today do insurance company have to follow ??
Even breaking in the house to yell, swear attack my child which leads to what is going on today . She refuse 's her medical attention because what Bridget the fake doctor said .
My sister was pushed just wanting to know what happened pushed by her husband who was pushed and sent info by All -Sate .
Mrs Bridget anger issue were Bridget alone green eyed and the hate then she did and harm to my child will not be forgotten that I would fake an illness . Today my child is in serious trouble because of her , All -State and Bridget father Bill .
Fake media
What Bridget Storrs did today was because of her wanting to please her uncle and Eric Ekvall , Micheal Rowen group wanting a place in the middle east by using me / Ayhan / our formula 's / Sir Ronald Storrs contact which there are many Storrs but using my family in The way the Kathy , Bill and Bridget Storrs who make fun of our formula Perfect Science , my late brother Kevin Welch , who used the formula every day who was spiritual , Bridget did this who made fun of me Terry Welch for being bio Polar , with proof , for no reason what so ever .
If you see a film in court it will be changed her uncle works for the CIA and so does other who illegal watching me since 1980 because I married to a middle eastern Eric Ekvall a media expert ,
Who I personally know that has a history or trying to stop this formula and a history of disliking Ayhan Doyuk and posting lies about Perfect Science AD , I even gave his daughter and all of the formula for free contact 's on his e-mail to Charles Knox formula for free .
Which was stop by Eric by trying to stop our research see tel-phone contact Sarasota , Florida work shop .
Micheal Rowen , Eric Ekvall had Steven Terrence take over my web site in 1999 so no one would have the wellness formula's and all so stop Doyuk formula Royal Flush worked with Drunvalo , Hans Becker , of Honey Well , where it is believed that Andrew Nixon is today . Paid by Drunvalo .
Rowen a media expert , John Siska a media expert , Hollywood contacts of John and Mary Sika media experts , John Siska brother media experts . They will so and say anything except the truth .
Please join my cause: IDF Must STOP SEXUAL ABUSE Of Palestinian Children ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Causes <apps+p1go1zgf@ Date: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 6:56 AM Subject: Please join my cause: IDF Must STOP SEXUAL ABUSE Of Palestinian Children To: Faziah Al-Shehri <> [image:] Invitation Faziah, * Anne Doyuk< * has invited you to join her cause on Facebook: [image: IDF Must STOP SEXUAL ABUSE Of Palestinian Children]<http://www.causes. IDF Must STOP SEXUAL ABUSE Of Palestinian Children<http://www.causes. 10,920 members Alerting International Community, INGOs, NGOs and the UN to stop the atrocity of sexual abuse of children by the IDF Can you help the cause reach 15,000 members? Join Cause < Thanks for all you do! [image: Causes] Address: Causes, 88 Kearny St, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94108 United States | Privacy Policy< To stop receiving emails from Causes, unsubscribe<http://www.causes. --- This email was sent by Causes. You can disable emails here< .. -- ============================== ============================== [image: Clear Flower label star purple bg.jpg] ------------------------------ http:// http://www.gulfoilsolution. http://www.thepetitionsite. http://www.thepetitionsite. http://perfectwaters.blogspot. |
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Monday, April 10, 2017
FR: Mike Mickley
Copies to Nancy, Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk
Perfect Science
DA: February 21, 2000
SUBJECT: Draft Plan for Irish test - version 2.1
With focus changing from the lake to a smaller site of the landfill leachate pond, the plan
becomes much simpler, as does the level of effort. More specifically, relative to version 1.0,
this version reflects
- 1. Less equipment need
- 2. Less chemical need
- 3. Simpler application (smaller volume; less time needed; easier access to pond)
- 4. Simpler characterization of the material to be treated
- 5. Simpler logistics to treat the pond
- 6. Less cost
The new element introduced is that we will need to sample the pond and get the sample to
Mr. Doyuk for development of the treatment chemical.
Two general areas of effort
Legal and funding effort (handled by Dan O’Connell)- · To set up an agreement between the Irish government (County/EPA/?) and
Perfect Science that 1) would address the liability issues and 2) would address responsibility
for all project costs.
- · Under the liability issue agreement, a waiver would be granted to Perfect Science or the
government would cover the required insurance costs.
- · Under the cost agreement Perfect Science would provide treatment chemical only.
- · These agreements would need to be in place prior to final treatment of the pond
(STEP 7 below)
- · To develop and implement all technical plans required for sampling, characterizing, and
treating the pond.
- · STEP 1 is to characterize the leachate pond dimensions, volume and depth; presence of
sediment, etc.; also the treatment logistics.
- · STEP 2 is to sample the leachate pond and send/take sample to Istanbul or Perfect Science in the USA for development
of the appropriate treatment chemical [likely involve Jack O’Sullivan here]; do the sampling
according to an agreed-upon sampling and testing regimen that involves multiple labs for analytical
work and specified sampling and analytical protocols. This might take a trip to Ireland to assist and
to pick up the sample.
- · STEP 3 is to conduct a bench-scale test in Ireland (This will require a trip to Ireland)
- · STEP 4 is to design any equipment that might be needed to treat the leachate pond.
- · STEP 5 is to develop estimates of total project costs
- · STEP 6 is to fabricate any required equipment and test it prior to leachate pond treatment.
- · STEP 7 is to treat the leachate pond (This, of course, will require a trip to Ireland)
Other comments
- The above tasks and others such as manufacturing and shipping the treatment chemicals will
require several months of elapsed time. Pond treatment is best scheduled for Spring/Summer.
Actual timing will be dependent on the scheduling and accomplishment of prior tasks. - The successful repeated bench-scale test should relieve and placate local people and authorities
and reduce, significantly, the level of responsibility and concern carried by Marcus. - Pond treatment time is estimated to be one day.
- William Baumgartner will provide the final design of any equipment required.
- Any equipment needed will be fabricated in Ireland, if possible.
- Where possible we will use local people and companies for conducting the work.
- Treatment will be done from two boats. The lead boat will contain treatment chemical, pump,
and distribution piping for injecting the chemical into the pond. A second boat will contain a
second treatment chemical and spray equipment for spraying the lake surface with a
pH-balancing chemical. The two boats will systematically cover the entire lake.
- Travel and expenses to/in/from Ireland
- Treatment chemical cost
- Coordination costs [Jack O’Sullivan – shouldn’t be much; likely some of his time would
be volunteered] - Sampling and analysis costs [likely EPA will pay for their tests, we would want parallel
tests to be conducted] - Equipment costs [should be low]
Subject: | Irish testing - moving ahead |
Date: | Fri, 22 Sep 2000 14:30:08 -0600 |
Dear Marcus,
I believe my last communication to you was dated February 21, 2000. It was entitled
‘draft plan for Irish test – version 2.1’. I won’t repeat the content but have included that
memo as an attachment to this email. As a necessary step preliminary to moving on the
action steps outlined in that memo we want to clean up the issues surrounding the
‘test results’. Below I review the history surrounding the ‘test results’ and then the
proposed means of settling the test issues.
Review of Test conditions and Test Results
To review the situation - as I recall:- 1. Lake water was initially sampled and put into containers that were not clean.
None of us noticed this. However, after the lake water was put into the
holding tank several of us noted a strong gasoline-type odor, a bit of a sheen
on the surface, and a yellow-brown color in the tank water.
- 2. We agreed that the sample was contaminated and it appeared that this was
due to the use of unclean sample containers.
- 3. The tank water was poured out and the tank was cleaned.
- 4. I recall searching for soap and for towels that whoever cleaned the tank
eventually used. The tank was not ‘thoroughly rinsed’ nor exhaustively
cleaned as time and materials did not allow AND the need for this was not
- 5. New water was brought in and put into the ‘clean’ tank. This new sample
was much different and appeared to be much cleaner that the initial sample
and without the strong gasoline-type odor.
- 6. Eventually the tank sample was treated and as is characteristic of this treatment,
suspended solids and color settled to the tank bottom as a whitish floc material
leaving the supernatant liquid very clear.
- 7. A small fish was placed in the tank and it was seen to swim and eat.
- 8. I’m not sure when I became aware that samples of the water before and
after treatment had been taken for lab analysis. It may have been when
you called people together to review the results.
- 9. You showed me a piece of paper (I do not have a copy) that had
before and after results for 5 to 10 measured parameters of the water.
- 10. One of the parameters was phosphorous and according to the results the
final (after) level was something like 10 times the initial level
Some comments on the tests (most of which were made in Ireland also):
- · If we had known that tests were going to be run we would have taken several
appropriate measures that include:
- o Making sure all containers and tanks were clean and could not contaminate
the solutions.
- o Making sure the lake sample taken was representative of the lake
- o Being present during the sampling of the treated tank contents
- o Keeping retention samples that could be analyzed later in case test
results were questionable
- o Making sure that the parameters to be measured were meaningful
ones and reflective of the treatment effects.
- o Making sure that more than one lab were doing the analyses
- · The Perfect Science formulas for water treatment do not contain phosphorus.
- · The most likely possibilities for explaining the test results are:
- o The tank was contaminated with phosphate-containing detergent
used to clean it after the initial fiasco
- o The before and after samples were mislabeled and the true after sample
was the one with the lower phosphorus level
- o The treated sample was purposely altered
- · I tend to believe that the first explanation is the correct one although consider the following:
- · Lets say the tank volume was 20 liters. Lets say the volume of treatment chemical used
was about 20 milliliter (1,000 times less than the tank volume). For the tank phosphorus
level after treatment to be 10 times higher than before the treatment, the treatment formula
would have to have a phosphorus concentration 10,000 times higher than that in the untreated
water. [Note that if 50 ml of treatment formula were used, the concentration would need
to be 2,000 times higher] I will find out the typical level of phosphorus in phosphate
detergents – it may well be that phosphate-containing detergent will not be a plausible
explanation in which case we are left with the other two possible explanations.
To settle the matter, lets repeat the test – this time under controlled conditions and with your
EPA involved. We will need to work out the details but they will involve:
- · Obtaining a copy of the previous ‘test results’ and doing some further investigation
into what the likely explanation of the results was
- · Taking multiple and representative samples according to a chain-of-custody procedure
- · Treating the samples with our formula
- · Having accredited labs in both Ireland and elsewhere to do analyses of the samples
- · Comparing our results
- · Working with your EPA to address the real environmental problems that exist
We will be copying various labs that we intend to work with and when we all agree on if and
how to move forward, we will inform you of the lab identities.
I look forward to hearing from you and if we are all in agreement, I will propose more specific
steps for moving ahead in the next several weeks.
Regards, Mike
PS1: Could you please provide email addresses for Billy Moore and for Maeve Quinn?
PS2: Congratulations on you new contract

President John F. Kennedy
Address to Newspaper Publishers
April 27, 1961
Bridget Storrs of John Marshall used Dan to take creite for all my work import /export ==== working with Ayhan Doyuk , Austiran Cuntess countess , Mason father , Stella Zambrano and other and her boyfriend Dan , and neighbor who is all so at John Marshall
> From: "abehrns" <>
> To: <
; Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 11:27 AM
> Subject: SV:
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
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Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal delivers verdict and judgment against
GW Bush, RB Cheney, DH Rumsfeld and their lawyers for war crimes in
Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo, Cuba. May 11, 2012